
So pretty much my highlight of the day is saving a bunch of quotes on to my computer ugh things have been tough lately my family has been lying,betraying,heartless,shameful, and that's not the end of it i recently just got a new phone no one in my family has my number but my grandma and parents ugh and some how all my stuff keeps vanishing into thin air and I'm not sure if someone is stealing it or its being misplaced but odly enough ever time i leave to a friends house i lock my door but when i get back its unlocked and i cant find anything me and Ariel are trying to raise money to buy a new camera cause someone stole hers off the front lawn I went to her house last Saturday and on Sunday a friend of hers came over lucky for me i got one of are friends to tag along but everything was just really weird between all of us we went to magic and I hit my head really hard it hurt amazingly bad and i lost vision in my right eye for a lil bit I'm fine now but I've made up my mind I'm writing a story i wanted to post yesterday but couldn't think of a good name i have a character up already shes in the story so yeah just one giant UGH!!!
May 20th, 2011 at 10:02pm