A Whole 180 Days Later :)

Ladies and gentiles today as I write this is my last day of school and that means I've successfully completed my first year of high school.
Exactly 180 days ago I wrote another journal about how I was freaking out about high school but now it's not too bad, there were some bumps and cracks but it turned out alright :)
Speech was amazing! I got third place on my pursaude speech in Regionals! Almost one place away from being able to State qualify! Yearbook was awesome; I met alot of amazing people there and our advisor is so cool. She's like a second mom to me :)
Now it's summer...what the hell do I do now?
I'm already bored and I have three whole months a head of nothing but blistering heat, friends, family and FOOD! So much food :D
Well I don't need to worry about my sophomore year that much 'cause I've already got it planned through a few weeks before school ended.
I'm sticking with Speech, I'm staying in Yearbook and now...I'm doing cheerleading. I never ever thought I'd be doing cheerleading! But I am! And practice starts the week before school starts. I'm very excited for that 'cause most of my older friends are on there and they're nice enough to show me some of the ropes :)
And I'm so thankful I don't have to take gym again...no more gym...that's like Heaven. Only for me, Heaven would have lots of food in it.

May 20th, 2011 at 11:10pm