I rembered

Wow I feel wierd typing on an online journal thing....sharing stuff. But it matters not how awkward this is. Today has been pretty good, along with the week. But memories often come flooding through my brain.

I rember my childhood, it was okay...up to a point of death. My parents left and I lived with my uncle....and my brother, my twin brother. Wow such memories, an old two story white four rooms and a creepy basement. Me and Lyric(my dear brother) were only seven at the time, we didnt know much of what went on, we didnt know we lost the two most important people in our lives and we didnt know that it was going to be hard to live with it, we did what kids did in a big house. Play hide and seek, tag, cops vs. robbers. It was all fun and games, easy and care free. Until we figured out my uncle was a total douchebag, at first he was kind and nice but two months later he was yelling, being grouchy 24/7, complained about everything. Not too fun.

Me and my brother didn't understand why he was that way, we were kids, but now I know, we were balls of energy leaping, running, and giggling. He was stressed and I can understand that feeling now. Being kids was prettyy simple, but once you grow up, all the things you got away with when you were kids catch up with you slap you in the face yelling "your older grow up already". So now I can truely say I rember what we went through, and I look back and laugh...sometimes cry, but I never forget if it wasnt for one thing after another I wouldnt be as happy as I am now.

I gues its okay too rember, and be sad, and rember what it was like when I was younger.... I cant wait until I get even older and be able too look back on my teen/young adult years and laugh at my moronic ways. :D
May 21st, 2011 at 12:56am