Totally Underwhelmed

So at 9pm today, was this Advanced Acting sketch show called Skitzomania; like SNL, at my old Highschool.

I was so excited to go see it all week. I was planning to go see it with a big group of friends from school (I am back home from first year of college, these are old h.s. friends).

That didn't work out at all... People were either busy or just weren't going. So that was pretty lame. Nonetheless, my friend Kaitlyn picks me up to go to Denny's before the event. We were meeting a friend there who was in the performance. We get there, it was perfectly fine, I give the waiter my check, $9.32, hand him a 10. And get no change back...

We get there an hour early, planned on getting there and going straight in to good seats. Nope, the doors were locked so we, Kaitlyn and I, just stood around waiting for the doors to open. People started to file in, and they knew each other, which is to be expected. But it felt like EVERYONE knew each other, leaving myself and my friend just feeling so... out of place.

So I look around and I see my ex girlfriend(Morgan), we wave and smile, thats it? And then I see this girl(Carol) who I liked but she evidentally didn't feel the same, with her boyfriend. Awkward.

We get into the line and the doors open 10 minutes before show time. We all pack in like sardines, we get magnificent seats up front. I look to my left and sure enough I see my ex sitting there and then her boyfriend sits next to her, holds her hand, the whole nine yards.

I felt a pang of hurt in my chest. But oh well, my fault we aren't together.

Back to the point, before the show began, people whom I know of, but aren't friends with are surrounding me, calling out to old mates, and hugging and what not. I was like, damn, in my head I thought this was going to be like a homecoming for me. People shouting out my name, asking how college has treated me. But nothing like that happens.

The performance starts not nearly as quickly as I'd of liked. At least it was really funny and brilliant. Even got a couple glowsticks at the end. Who doesn't love them?

That is my rant on the night, thanks for reading this essay <3
May 21st, 2011 at 07:16am