The term Floccinaucinihilipilification, failed raptures, and said term always coming to mind. Oh, and deformed bunnies

Hi!!! So last friday I made this epic list of Fibonacci numbers, (google it) and came up with; that in 180 days of deformed incestuous small rodent making, you would have
48,558,529,144,435,440,119,720,000,000,000,000,000 small incestuous small rodents!!! .... I got lazy so I just put zeros for the empty places... The term Floccinaucinihilipilification comes to mind, (again, google it) as it always does. Today, (or yesterday, rather) was supposed to be the rapture... It wasn't.... I feel slightly disappointed... Since everyone that is gonna go to heaven was supposed to just poof away, it was 6:01 and I was like "OH SHIITAKE MUSHRROMS, IM GONNA GO TO HELL," because ya... So that was my train of thought for the past 5-or-so minutos....
May 22nd, 2011 at 06:26am