People Will Read This Whether The Topic Is Worthwhile Or Not ;)

I've done over half my homework this weekend. Now all I must finish is the drawing of Voldemort, my self-portrait, and my ELA book project. It probably won't be very fun, but whatever. I still have next weekend to do it all, but I want to get it out of the way.

Now, all of you are probably wondering why have so much homework. Well, I'm going to West Virginia this week. Monday through Friday. A whole week of being over 900 miles from home, doing amazingly stupid activities with my best friend and class. No seriously - the activities are going to be pretty stupid. As in: "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?" stupid. (:

I'm gonna be walkin' across a 1.5 mile long bridge, standing over 800 feet above a river gorge. I shall be whitewater rafting in that gorge the next day. Then, I will be taking a zip line tour the last day. Between these days, I'll be jumping off cliffs into water. Not looking forward to this trip as much as I was. O_O

Okay, well, I'm going to be off. I've pretty much told you all there is to tell. I hope this is over a hundred words so I can post. :/ It should be. And it was worthwhile, right?? Ah, well, whatever. xD
May 22nd, 2011 at 03:34pm