...what have I done?

ok, so I can't get as descriptive as I'd like to since well... yeah, but anyway, here's a recap of what happened on thursday and yesterday. D;

I was over at my ex boyfriends/friends house doing some last minute studying for our World History SOLs... Which, I know what you're thinking "Studying for an SOL? Ha!" But I swear, I heard rumors that it was going to be a hard SOL. So we were studying... and I of course, threw my shoes at him, which prompted him to take them down stairs into the basement and put them in the freezer. But before he did that, I snagged his ipod.

So we were down stairs in the basement... no one but us, and he was trying to get me to give him his ipod. I didn't give it to him. Yada yada yada, he took my phone and my ipod... and I went into the other room, hid the ipod in my bra, and went back and pretended as if the ipod was in my pocket.

I knew I shouldn't have done this. And yet... I didn't stop my self.

So after a while, he started searching my pockets, and I mean EVERY POCKET on my pants. And each time, I'd pretend as if it was in another pocket. Needless to say, after searching my pockets like 50 billion times, he moved on.

So, he then looked at me, and he had no idea where the ipod could've possibly been. So basically, it ended up something like what youd see in an airport when they start searching you.
So he still couldn't find him, and I'd still continue to trick him into thinking it was in my pocket or something.

Might I add that he has a girlfriend? ... A very... hyperactive...and happy one who had ADHD and will most likely get her arse kicked when she becomes a sophomore? :P

So, yada yada yada, he eventually put his hand into my bra and got his ipod out. So I eventually got my frozen shoes back... along with my itouch...my phone, and the battery to my phone, and I left...

With his phone. And as I was leaving, I waved it, but he didn't notice it. So I got home, and I got a call on his phone from his house. And he said that he knew that I had his phone when I told him I'd text him later.

So my mom said just give the phone to him tomorrow morning. But he insisted and I eventually got back in the car and drove back to his house.

And the whole ride there, I kept saying I was sorry, and by the time I got to his house, I was like crying because I felt bad. And he stayed outside, barefoot, in the dark with me until I calmed down enough before he went back inside.

So he told me I shouldn't feel bad and stuff and that he wasn't angry at me, but the next day, I seriously felt as if I had done something very bad.

So I told my friends I did something bad, and they were like "Oh, I bet it's something little or petty." And I told my best friend... and she told me it was fine as long as I acknowledged what I had done and that he wasn't angry at me. And then I told my other guy friend about it. And his response?

It's ok for high schoolers to "get around". And that's coming from a guy who does his girlfriend 5 times a day, EVERY DAY, for the past couple of months since his girlfriend believed in the whole Judgement day thing. :/

So yeah. Thursday never happened.

Nuff on that.


So, I realize that what happened saturday... really made thursday seem like a walk in the park.

So we were pretty much throwing a mini "end of the world" party to mock the whole judgement day thing. I brought some games to play and he went through them before we went downstairs to go play left 4 dead. And the volume on the tv he has down there is broken, so it's on the highest level. D; (keep this in mind for later)

So we were playing, and he would keep saying how useless I was since everyone was using their med packs on me. So I threw my shoe at him.

Then after we finished playing, he took my other shoe, put them in the freezer, and sat on top of the freezer.

Might I add this is one of those freezers that open from the top? ...yeah... xD

So, I tried to get my shoes back, and that didn't work, so we were talking... and we started talking about guy stuff... and in between, I'd rub his stomach since he does have some pretty awesome abs. ;D And i'd punch him a couple of times, and then I punched...his crotch area, hoping he'd get off... and that didn't work, so I elbowed him there... and stuff... and he said it'd have the opposite effect than I wanted or something?

So then I got curious. Since well... let's just say he hangs like a horse (<-- I learned that in 9th grade D:). So I was like "How the heck does it stay in there...?" And so he explained and so then I tried to figure it out. So I reached under... and grabbed... it. all this is through his pants of course. And so the whole time I was just confused and he kept on explaining it to me, and then eventually he moved it, and then I understood. So uh... yeah. I sort of started to rub it....

>A< This is soo awkward to explain.

So then he kept counting as I did to try to keep his mind off of things. But it of course wasn't working. And then after a while, he... stuck his hands into my shirt and yeah~ .

So that went on for a while. And after we finished... we just sat/stood there. And I looked away from him since I felt terrible for doing that. And I didn't even know why I did it in the first place. And he would try to look at me since he thought I was about to cry...

So he got off the freezer after a while, lied down next to the punching bag looking up at the ceiling while I sat on this leg exercise thingie.

And he said "We're definitely going to hell for doing that." I laughed. "I mean, I bet they don't do that kind of stuff until they're 90."

He would complain about how his wrist was cramping and I would complain about stuff.

And the whole time, it seemed as if what we had just done... was nothing out of the ordinary. Which was super strange since it was.

So we just sat and talked. and when I tried to get my shoes, he'd stop me. and stuff... And along with asking myself why I was doing that, I kept on thinking I was thirsty. So I said I was thirsty, but I didn't want to go upstairs since it'd be awkward.

But he said it wouldn't be. But I still thought it would be. (Might I add, the basement door was open the whole entire time... D:) So we decided to see when this whole massive earthquake was supposed to happen. So we went up stairs, I said hi to his mom, grabbed my last juice box and sat next to him while he looked it up. While he did that, I'd text him... and so I said I'd try to do something if we went back downstairs... after we finished watching a charlieissocoollike video. So we went downstairs, and he closed the door saying that he always closes the door when he goes to play games since it's so loud and I took my shoes out and I sat on the freezer so that he couldn't put my shoes back in and I just sat there, not knowing what to do.

So I'd pull him close... but then not know what to do after that.

Then his dad came downstairs.

Then he left.

Then he came back downstairs again.

Then he left.

And then right when me and him had some time alone... his sister came downstairs, stated downstairs and wouldn't leave. Well, mainly because she was looking for something to turn into a scratching post for her new cat.

Then she left. And I made him do the work while I watched and stuff...

Then his sister came back down, so he had to quickly move away and pretend as if nothing was going on.

So this went on for a while.

And so we were about to do it again... but his dog was there, watching us. So I told him I couldn't do anything with the dog there, so he chased he dog back upstairs and closed the door. So we continued... until our friend, who we thought was so lame that he died before the world was supposed to end, showed up. And like always, he gets the wrong idea.

So then after talking to him for a while, we gave him a bike and sent him back home to go get the games he was supposed to get.

Which gave us some more alone time.

And yeah, we continued to do what we were doing... with a couple of interruptions from his sister. D;

And then when we were finally alone, and I was waay too amused by... stuff... our friend came back! D:

So we had to stop and then I came up with a hilarious idea. I'd go up to him, wipe my hand on him as if I had done stuff with the other guy (even though we really did, but he doesn't have to know that)... and our friend freaked out... and almost killed me. D:

But yeah, we talked, I almost got shot with the guys BB gun... and then just as I was about to leave, he started to shoot my car with his bb gun. D;

So yeah. Anything after that is unimportant.

So, Saturday, didn't happen either.

.....So, I xdo feel super bad about what happened those two days, but I feel a lot worse about yesterdays events. And when I called my friend to tell her... she told me that I was finally growing up and said she'd throw me an orgasm party....

But, It's not like this is the first time its happened. Well, it's the first time it's happened when we weren't together.

But yeah. So I feel guilty, and I don't even know why I did it myself... but what bothers me more is that he didn't stop me.

So I don't know. I just hope I don't see his girlfriend in the halls for while. Since, I'd somehow unintentionally make it awkward.

So... has this possibly happened to one of you? D;

Since, I'd feel a little better if I wasn't the only one, but I still feel rather sh*tty about all of it. D;
May 22nd, 2011 at 09:46pm