Please help, iI'm scared.

I'm scared. I don't know what to do, my brother found out how I've been self-harming. He took it so badly, He couldn't look at me for ages, and when he did he looked at my wrists, then looked away again.
Aafter half an hour of silence he said "why?", Ii replied "because I wanted to". I couldn't say because I'm a fail as a daughter/sister/ person as a whole. He just asked "why?" again, it all came tumbling out, always being a disappointment, the stress (exams), feeling alone, the whole f**king lot.
Brother- "Well your better than me at lots of things."
Me- "Like what?"
B- "Well art"
M- "How the hell is meant to compare to your 100% in your Science GCSEs, and where is that going to get me in life?"
B- "Swimming, singing"
M- "Phff, like I'm going to the Olympics.."
B- "..."
M"Don't tell mum, please"
B-"You need to"
M- "That will just be another bloody disappointment in my name, I'll stop by the end of the week." as if
B- "Okay, the end of the week."

What the hell am I supposed to do? I wonder if he'll forget, I hope so. My mum just can't find out, she'll hurt worse than I was at the worst of my depression. Disappointed and sad that I felt I could not confide in her. Why am I such a sh*t daughter?
May 22nd, 2011 at 10:12pm