Pirates of the Caribbean 4

So I went to see this movie with my mom. LOL. And I've been looking forward to it for a long time, probably ever since I heard there was going to be a fourth.

When I heard Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley weren't going to be in it, I was saddened. I loved them both, and Keira was so gorgeous. But all is not lost, Johnny Depp, probably my favorite actor, is still in it.

Good ole *Captain* Jack Sparrow is such an iconic movie character. His antics are hilarious, serious, heartwarming, and at times another adjective I can't think of.

So we get to the theatre, and it's 94 degrees outside. So hot in fact, I almost burst into flames. We get there 15 minutes early, and the place is packed, so we get those 2 seats that are next to the steps that are on the floor level. Then I just stare up at people whispering to each other asking where to sit.

Previews, ahh the best part of the cinematic adventure. Loved em all but the Popper's penguins >_>

Anyways, the movie was packed full of action from the very beginning. And then comes the mermaids. I fell in love with the lead mermaid, Syrena (played by actress Astrid Berges-Frisbey), she is absolutely stunning! And french, that's a plus here she is VVV


So what I'm trying to say is, GO SEE THIS MOVIE, YOU WON'T REGRET IT!
May 23rd, 2011 at 06:06am