Some old writing I found...

Well, I stumbled across something I'd written a little while ago, and I'm not really sure what it's supposed to be. I can't exactly put it into a category, it's just...writing, I guess.

Forever grateful for their sins.
Unwelcome shadows linger in.
The clock tick tocks, but dims away,
The world before you…fades to black.

You can’t hide from pain. It will always find you. You can’t escape the consequences of your actions. You say it won’t kill you…but it could. Left alone to feel the wrath of everyone you’ve ever hurt, everything you’ve left behind. You can regret all you want, it won’t change a thing. We all make mistakes, but I won’t tell you not to be afraid. There’s plenty to fear, and no room for error now. Just keep quiet, speak only if you dare. Oh, and good luck trying to escape, the guards of your mind are the strongest ones of all.
May 24th, 2011 at 02:45am