
I love music.
If you have seen my profile/any story I've written, you know that I LOVELOVELOVE My Chemical Romance. They are extending their tour, for people who did not know that. Into the summer. I have never been to a concert before, mostly because I'm pretty small. And I would get trampled. Really, anyone under 5' would get at least a little bit clobbered at an MCR concert. Though they wouldn't get stampeded, because apparently the MCRmy is pretty nice, for the most part, especially if they had the privilege of going to one of their concerts. The concert that my sister went to, I think 3 people fell down, but others helped them up. I also heard a story where a girl fell, and Gerard made everyone back up so she could get back on her feet. I also heard a story where a girl shouted, "Hey Frank, we have the same gloves!!!"(skeleton gloves)and he held up one of his gloves and was like, "Trade?" I may sound like a fangirl, but I would do almost anything for one of Frank Iero's gloves.
So, now I can(finally)get to the point. As I mentioned before, I have never been to a concert because I would get trampled in the mosh pit, but I found a venue that they're playing in with seats, so I might be able to go!!!!!!!
Kay, I have to get off now.
Acid Cat
May 24th, 2011 at 05:08am