Whats so good about Facebook!?!

I'm wondering what the heck is so good about Facebook. In my opinion Facebook ruins peoples life's. Ex) People cyber bully on Facebook all the time. Also people waste probably one day of their life's writing dumb posts on their wall, like: I feel sick, I hate mondays. Who really cares?!? Also I think that their are other better ways for communicating to your friends/family. Like: emailing them, writing a letter, talk to them on the phone, etc. I also hate when people ask if you have a Facebook and you say 'no' (thats me) and then they say 'why not Facebook is awesome' and then you think umm Facebook is kinda a waste of my time and then finally they say 'Facebook is awesome, I think you should get one'. Just comment on this journal and tell me your opinion on Facebook because to me, I think it's kinda a waste of time. I call it Wastebook. Again, just comment on this journal and tell me your opinion on Facebook.
May 24th, 2011 at 11:35pm