Journal entry 5-16/5-18/5-23-11

I really should wrote in this everyday: well richie And I made love o. 5-15-11. It was strange because earlier that day and night I wouldn't let him touch me because I was scared. I literally started crying. But the look on his face was horrible.. I didn't mean to cry I swear!! I have been having horrible nightmares o what the guys did. I haven't been telling Richie because he already has enough to worry about. Oh ya I forgot to say I might be moving to Oklahoma. I am do confused!! I am torn between my mom being happy and le being happy. I am madly in love with richie.

I have had a lot of time to think and im just so afraid richie might not wanna be with me I'm so confused help me!!

This is so hard.. I went to state track or the mile and two mile as a freshman. Most people would be really happy and proud but I'm not. Idk why though and people I loved where there supporting me. But I wasn't happy. I act happy but I'm far from that.. I'm depressed
I love R.D.A

I cheated on richie an feel like a slut.. He took me back and I am so grateful and I love him ugh I hate myself :'(
May 25th, 2011 at 08:36pm