who cares

who cares what people think? i should know what happened in my past because it is MY past. so no need to say i am lying when i aint. ok? not all rape victims are the same. some actually tell more than one person i am telling because it happened when i was 5 and i dont know him anymore, so why say i am lying> funny how the world is today. always thinking people are lying. i poured my heart out because i want to heard out and here i am getting negative commetns on how i am a attention seeker!! ha wow you guys. dont you think i hate myself already without ya'lls help? i already think im a whore, my bf disagrees. i am glad i have him and dont be jealous. i know what love is ok, age doesnt define anything, also its not very smart telling a cutter that she is lying about being raped and molested. FYI!!! i went to the cops about one of the guys and guess what he got nothing because no one believed me and he is out there molesting little girls, so excuse me if i get upset about people saying im lying., first off i am telling the truth and have proof. i have cuts to prove mypain and i have journal entries of when it happened. so if you dont have anything nice to say or anything just screwoff!! i would rather not be called an attention whore....thanks for making my life a living hell more than it already is..you dont know me, you dontknow my pain, read my poemsand maybe you will understand ok what ever!!
May 25th, 2011 at 10:44pm