Ranting||Dirty Work Leaked|| Comment Swap?

So, today was good and bad.

Good because DIRTY WORK WAS LEAKED TODAY! I mean, I guess I shouldn't listen to it until it actually comes out, but I've already have it downloaded and synced to my iTunes. Oops.

But with Dirty Work, people who decided not to listen to it are looking down on people who are, calling themselves real fans. bullshit, if you ask me. Just because we download a leaked version, doesn't mean we're not dedicated and it certainly doesn't mean that we don't love them.


I found the I Feel Like Dancin' video.

It's amazing. <3

But today was bad because one of my ex-friends decided that just because this girl called her a bitch, she could go and punch her in the face. Both of them have probation officers and can't afford a fight. The ex-friend said that she was going to beat the girl who got punched up after school, so I told the social worker, who takes care of these things, because the girl who got punched is one of my current friends and I don't want her kicked out of school.

i dunno. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten into it. *shrug* too late.

Anyone wanna do a swap? I'm offering up My Friends.

You know the rules. You comment first and you get what you get. No more then three chapters though.
May 26th, 2011 at 01:48am