I Don't Even Know Anymore

Today, someone very special to my heart told me that to live life o the fullest, I ave to be myself completely all the time. Not just when I'm with my best friends. But I don't know if I can. I know this probably sounds with pointless, cliche teenage drama, but it's a real problem for me.

My parents are very religious. They won't even let me cut my hair because it's against their religion.Their. I do not believe as they do, nor will I ever, but they would not understand if I told them how I believe. They would think they didn't 'raise me right,' but I don't even know what right is in their eyes. They wouldn't accept me for who I am truly am and who I want to be.

My friends... well... I don't think they would understand what I go through, what I feel, if I told them about the real me. They see a very happy teenager. One who seems to be on top of the world. But that's just what I want them to see. Only my best friend has truly seen me at my best and worse.

She knows why, when I'm not around everyone, I'm so secluded. Why I would rather help everyone else with their problems instead of face mine.

I don't know what I should do about it anymore. All I know is that it gets harder everyday to smile, when all I want to do is scream at the world for being happy, when I never am.
May 26th, 2011 at 02:36am