Need Any Advice?

At some point in our lives, we all need advice. A lot of times it could be about something really odd like "What pair of shoes should I wear?" And other times it's more complex like "Why is it that forgetting is so hard, but forgiving is so easy?"

Sometimes it helps to tell a stranger your problem. I mean, who would they tell? It's not like they know you. Plus, they would give a straight answer. I'm willing to be that stranger for you.

Here's an example of a past message to me:

Dear AnonymousMibba,
Why is it so hard to forget someone, but forgiving them is so easy?
Sincerely, Anonymous

Dear Anonymous,

As soon as you meet someone, they're imprinted in your memory. The longer you know them, the longer they'll stay in your memory, especially if they're someone you had cared about.

As for forgiving them... I'm guessing it was someone you cared about. Maybe an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend or a really close friend. It's really hard to forget someone that you have had good times with.

My best advice is to just keep living your life. "Forgive and forget" doesn't necessarily mean forget the person, but forget the problem. Don't let yourself be completely open with this person, just take it slow.

I hope this help,

Of course their user name isn't actually Anonymous but like I'd really give out anyone's user name.

If you were to contact me, I would give you your advice and then leave you alone, no questions asked. It truly does not matter how bizarre your situation is, I'll do my best to help you. Even if you are just feeling lonely and want somebody to talk to, send me a message. We could talk about the weather for all I care but as long as it's helping you in any form, we'll talk.

So. . . need any advice?
May 26th, 2011 at 11:17pm