Why does this always happen to me?

Cherokee is my bestfriend. Or should be.
After Chris dumped her, she became a total whore and a bitch.
But... It's good they ended it. He was abusive.
But now... It's like, every time I tell her I like a guy, Matt, for instance, or James, she goes and hangs all over them, flirting and whatnot.
She's... hard to explain. Really hard to explain.
And then she dates them. And then dumps them. And then they can't talk to me, 'cause I'm her friend..

As for Meredith... She's not like she was.
She ignores me.
She's turned into a whore too.
Meredith is dating Logan, a guy I kind of like.
And every other day, she hated him, and the next, likes him.
But what I can't understand, is that when she goes skating, or to MS, she flirts... BIG TIME.

And Madison... GAWD.
She's such a whore!
She knew I liked Cody, this really nice seventeen year old that we met working at MS.
They dated for a while, and she broke his heart.
He swore to me they would never date again.
And lookie now.
They're dating again.
And she's sleeping with some guy.
Oh, and she's twelve.

Hannah's the same.
She's.... (:

I'm listening to Blink 182 - I Miss You, which kind of makes me laugh right now.
Just 'cause.

There's only a few people I can trust.
Des Des (Destiny), Casey, her sister, Jordyn, and my mom.

I think those three will be my new best friends.
Hopefully, if they can deal with my shit.

In other news.
My brother, who is twenty two, and my... well, best friend, is coming down for the weekend.
Yay! :D
May 27th, 2011 at 03:05am