Another day in rural heaven... I think.

It hasn't been a kind of day really worth writing about, except to maybe vent a little frustration and angst.
In short: Stupid boys! Stupid nephews! Stupid lack of anything to really do!
Alright. I'm good now.
New topic: weather! (Oh so creative, I know)
I'm starting to get tired of all the rain, but I'm glad my area hasn't suffered the flooding or storm damage many other places have. In the last month we've gotten more precipitation than we did in the six months preceding it... Its so nice to see things green again.
The stupid winter was so long and cold enough to make it really uncomfortable to go outside and ride my jello horse... *sigh* He's so fat... >.< But you don't end up on the news for having horses that eat regularly. Or more than regularly but not the point!
Well for the first time all day I've been able to let stuff go.
This journal stuff isn't half bad.
May 27th, 2011 at 03:24am