I'm New

Hello, Mibbians! I've been messing around on the site for the past few weeks but never really got the balls up to make an account, but I'm glad I did. Everyone is so welcoming and it's a really good feeling so far. There's such a great sense of community on this site, and I'm you all feel very relieved to hear that (as in, I've seen some online brawls go down and they're not pretty—people who fight, especially on the Internet, gain zero respect from me as they seem unintelligent and self-contradicting.)

Aside from my views on online arguments, I just wanted to say hello to everyone and whore out my story, Sandwich. I'm working on self-publishing it, so I thought I'd just dink around with whoring it out on this site.

You guys like whoring, right?

Or am I in the wrong place?

If you read mine, I'll read yours? I like full critiques. Don't go easy, please.

Anyway, I'm glad to meet you all. I'm looking forward to learning about this website hierarchy (it goes Dujo, Audrey T....then what?)

Thanks, ya'll,

May 27th, 2011 at 07:14am