If and when you turn 18

I remember being really pissed off at my 18 year-old sister because, as soon as she turned 18 (probably the night she turned 18) she believed she ruled the world. She thought that since she was 18, she could star in a porn flick, order things from TV, smoke cigarettes, play rated M video games, and she thought she was suddenly my mother.

Friends, please don't be like that when you legally become an adult. When you're 18, you acquire many rights, but at the same time, you're not Jesus. You're still as immature as you were thirty minutes before your birthday. Don't abuse your newfound "power."

Embrace it.

Look at it as a new opportunity, not a new gateway. Slow down. Date, but don't marry. Learn, but don't master. Be responsible, but don't be responsive. Be the idiot 18 year-old you have become, but please, please don't become a replica of everything you've hated growing up.


Whore me some stories. Read mine.

Much love,

May 28th, 2011 at 05:43am