The worst feeling isn't being lonely. It's being forgotten by someone you could never forget.

Yeah, you're pretty but what's underneath? Maybe more than I could ever possibly imagine, a world of emotion&exuberance just bursting to be released in a torrent of words and smiles&perfection. Maybe there's nothing. Maybe I'll never find out because I was too busy with myself to consider you. Maybe I've already found out and was too stupid to keep it. Maybe you don't think about me anymore. Maybe I just miss you. Alot. We were a modern day romeo and Juliet. We went to diffirent schools, an I even had to run from the cops trying to see you. I miss thoese warm, summer nights, where we'd build a tent in my backyard, and lay there under the start and just talk. Some people, like you, are afraid of dying and large guns and their shoes not matching their purse. I am afraid of worms and electrical outlets and memories being left to collect dust in the back of our minds. And I still manage to wait for a call or a text. Its Crazy how We'll wait and waste our lives just for one person to even notice you.
All too often I'll sit down with the Warhol diaries and find an entry that parallels my week. Or day.
Or in this case, reoccurring instances in my life.
Dear God, where is my mind?
May 28th, 2011 at 08:13am