Where did it go?

The sincerity, the politeness, the generosity? Where did it go? I feel almost as though one day I woke up to a whole new world, one that wasn't magic, and one I felt I should not be living in. It sometimes feels like it's impossible to have a conversation with a stranger without feeling it's necessary to censor your opinions, or tell them to shut up after asking/saying something inappropriate. Maybe I'm too harsh, I'm sure there are still sincere and sweet people out there, but maybe they're hiding like me - too scared to say something and have it thrown back in their face when their non-existent "swagger" or whatever the fack it is throws itself back in our faces instead of making us sound bada$$. But whatever. It is what it is. Maybe it's for the better that the internet is becoming increasingly rude. Maybe then I'll be able to ween myself off of this addiction I have and get moving and get healthy.
But.. it's still just a maybe.

Oh baby I'm going to "whore" myself out tonight.
I'm curious what people think if they read my last chapter of my only "story." Click here and let me know. I mean, it's not a story and it has no plot. It's like a diary of sorts. I can't consider it anything to be like a journal because.. to me, it isn't. But whatever.
Also, I have a tumblr where I post my writings too. Check it out, I don't always follow back but I'm interested in finding some cool personality writing blogs. (:
And uh, yeah. That's all I've been using.
But how is everyone tonight? What's everyone's plans for the weekend?
I hope you enjoy it becuase I'm stuck in my room doing a project I'm selling becuase I was stupid enough to think I could do a full charcoal piece in less that a week.
Stupid stupid stupid.
Not to mention I actually have to sell it, and give it away, and never see it again.
I could never be an artist.
Good night (maybe).

Seriously though, I don't guarantee follow backs on my tumblr. Just spreadin' the word because liquid courage told me too.
May 28th, 2011 at 08:14am