Sometimes being a woman is...


Warning: loads of T.M.I. ahead.

Yesterday I got my period RIGHT BEFORE I was about to get picked up to go to the theme park, I GET MY PERIOD. A stain saying hi on my panties. There's nothing you'd rather see, right?

So I put a tampon in, and I have the A/C on, but I thought I'd turn it off then since my friends were coming and I was home alone, and I didn't want to keep them waiting. THEY CAME TWO HOURS LATE AND I WAS PROPPED IN FRONT OF THE FAN, TRYING NOT TO MELT.

Then we get to the theme park, and it's all nice... until I started getting pains and I had no extra tampon, since I thought the first day wouldn't be so bad, and no pain killers. Then the theme park as a ride that guarantees to make you WET and I had no extra clothes. I was wearing freaking skinny jeans in the sun and later on wore them soaking wet in the slightly cooler night.

I was down to 130 lbs though, from all the walking despite the theme park junk food, but this morning my mom wakes me up to clean up dog sh*t after 5 hours of sleep on a weekend. I couldn't go back to sleep, I ate breakfast, couldn't stop eating ice cream, and the scale kept yoyo-ing up to 137 lbs. WTF.

I change into a towel to get ready to take a bath, since I was feeling sweaty in my clothes, and I BLEED THROUGH THE TOWEL. I go to the bathroom and SPOT A PIMPLE. I swallowed a painkiller and it feels LODGED IN MY THROAT. I yell at my brother. Then I stand in the shower and there are globules of blood on the tiles like strawberry jam. Streaks of blood pour down my legs like I was a homicide victim. Which brings me to my conclusion...


I don't know what it is about menstruating that makes every little thing seem so horrifically tragic/infuriating. FJIWFHWEIUWUGHNGOI. I haven't had one this terrible in months/years? I just get dysmenorrhea, so all the cramps, less of the cravings/episodes. I like to think I'm not always so shallow and angry and emotional. Everything makes me angry/want to cry. Cannot wait for this week to be over.

May 28th, 2011 at 08:34am