I'm a rich girl?

If only that were true.

Ha, I cannot believe how quickly people can judge. (No, No, I can :J)
And yes I am specifically speaking to the person who straight up told me I was a rich little princess who will cry for what she wants.

That is the most incorrect judgment in my life! XD
I've had many other assumptions, but they weren't that far from the tree they fell from.
-sigh- but that one was just too hilarious.

I'll be honest, I was flattered by the fact someone thought I was rich.
Hell, I am flattered when people think I'm rich, I'm the girl whose family had to sale their jewelry and TVs just to have food in the fridge.

I feel like laughing...

Gah, well my phone is still mocking me.. it vibrates..but the screen is white.
I need to do my chemistry final video thing and my partner can't since she has another project to do with one of our friends -__-
My phone is my business communication object.
I need my business communication object.
May 28th, 2011 at 11:05pm