Set Apart Feminine Beauty--True Beauty -Part 1

Set Apart Feminine Beauty

True Beauty
True feminine beauty is not defined as being thin, having no acne, having nice hair, or even by the clothes or make up we wear. True beauty start in the heart and becomes so radiant that it adorns us with a bright and beautiful outer appearance. So many girls today think that they can only be beautiful if they esteem all these things. I am here to tell you that the worlds version of beauty has become so corrupt. The way the world sees beauty is the way I see muddy water. Sure, whether clean or dirty, the water is still the same water.
The world looks at beauty in such a muddy and unclear way. We have reached an age of so many different kinds of filths that we call beauty. Let me just tell you, dear girl, when you look at beauty through muddy water, you will not be able to see your Father’s reflection. You will not be able to see Him smiling upon you. Then, you will lose sight of who you really are because your reflection will also fade away. But I want you to know that you can change that. I fear girls today may appear to be beautiful on the outside but the dirtiness of their beauty has absorbed into their heart and has created a filthy heart.

(More coming on this topic =)
May 28th, 2011 at 11:55pm