After Hours Ramblings.

It's currently two nineteen in the morning, and I'm still awake.
I've watched three movies tonight, lurked around Facebook, journaled, and commented on various journals. Maybe one of yours? I honestly don't remember.

I feel like sleeping soon, but Allen is on his way to see me, so I'll stay awake a bit longer. <3
I've been thinking a lot tonight, just about random things.
I think I do know what I want my next tattoo to be (refer to my last journal).
Its something that means a lot to me, and represents the relationship I have with my daddy.
That makes me happy. All I have to do is figure out the pricing, placement, and final design.
That usually doesn't take me too long. It'll be a nice grad present to myself.

I watched The Runaways last night, or at least, part of it.
It was an ok movie at first. I'm not a huge fan of Kristen Stewart, but her role was a nice change from Bella Swan. I also found it a little disturbing to see Dakota Fanning playing such an adult role. Isn't she like sixteen? I felt like I was watching child pornography a majority of the time. Kudos to her for trying to play such a badass, though. However, I did stop watching after the masturbation instruction scene. It was just weird.

I need some sleep, badly, but I'm starving.
I hate that. I'll be starving in the middle of the night, but when I do actually wake up in the morning, I have no appetite. It's rather odd.

I'm going to a concert with a friend on Tuesday. It's my first concert without one of my parents, or Allen. I'm actually kind of scared to go into the city alone. It's a scary place, and I'm not a people person. I told my friend I'd buy some pepper spray, since neither one of us is comfortable going alone. Two eighteen year olds, alone in the big city. Oh dear.

I need sleep...
May 29th, 2011 at 08:32am