
I'm sorry for not continuing with my Vampire Diaries fan-fiction. I know it's an over used excuse but I was really busy but no worries summers coming up in four days so I should have a bunch of time on my hands. :)

Anyways I have about 15-20 chapters of the VD story written but I was wondering if anyone wanted to co-write with me? We could take turns writing the story and we'd send our work to each other to edit and criticize. I absolutely love co-writing.

Also if you don't like vampire diaries or what to write a different story, I'm up for that too. Here are four more stories I want to start. I have a small plot or ideas for them.

-Supernatural ( I already have a beginning in my mind*)
-Princes Harry and William (Once again I already have a plot/idea that we could start off off*)
-3oh!3(Ideas/ beginning*)
-A Story revolving around Maroon 5 songs
-Harry Potter(Ideas)

*My ideas aren't set in stone so don't be scared off thinking you won't have any input in any of the stories lol. They are just things we can play off of or ignore completely :)

Also for the Maroon 5 story what I mean is that we make up a story and put one of the bands songs as the theme or something similar.

Please Message me if you are interested or even have different stories you want to do, maybe I can help :)
May 29th, 2011 at 06:45pm