Names/Labels Which Ever

Emo. Freak. Idiot. Stupid. Those are just some of the things I've been called. Sad thing is that's all what my brother and sister have called me. Well my brother called me emo, my sister called me the rest. So with my brother saying I'm emo, for my birthday he bought me a skull, heart, and bow necklace and funny thing is I wouldn't have bought that for myself even. Wonder if I could still return that...Anyways, so my sister is always calling me something and then when my parents get mad, she decides she gonna be a kiss ass to me to make up for it. Hell no, that's not how it works with me. I don't like being called that shit, who does? No one. With getting called all that, I dress weird, I listen to stupid/freaky music, blah blah blah. I like the song 'You're Going Down' by Sick Puppies, so I get all the comments on how stupid or freakish the name is. Um hello, I didn't name the fucking band! I just like the song big whoop. I have a variety of music on my iPod and I like what I have. So if I'm playing my music in my car, how is that a problem?
That's just been something that's bothered me lately since it's been happening a lot.
More venting from me.
~Jamie Elizabeth
May 29th, 2011 at 10:28pm