tornado warning; tumblin' through it

Just hiding in my basement with my mom, listening to the house creak. She's chosen to watch a Mythbusters about how easy it is for lightning to kill you, which, as you can imagine, is setting a lovely mood.
I'm contemplating the fact that I might die in my pajamas...and the irony that the tornado sirens are currently drowning out the sound of the thunder.
It's kinda freaky, just sitting here and waiting for the tornado to strike.

Anyone else going through/already been through a tornado warning today? Judging from the Tumblr ranting, it seems like a large part of the country is going through one.

Which by the way, if you have a tumblr, check mine out? I've been told it's...amusing, if nothing else xD And I tend to follow back.
Links aren't working, so: :)
May 29th, 2011 at 11:38pm