Rant #1: So there's this boy...

I wonder if he even knows. I wonder if he even freaking knows how much I like him. I wonder if he thinks about me a lot, like I think about him. I wonder if I mean a lot to him. Maybe. I wonder if he likes me, too….

Major vent warning !

I haven’t exactly had the best of luck with boys. I mean, yes, I’m only fourteen years old, but still. They either don’t have the same feelings and end up dating another girl, or lead me on, lie to me, and then lead my best friend on at the same time, too. And that all happened within this school year! Lovely, ain’t it?

But this boy. This one boy. This reckless, adorable, amazing, wonderful, lovely in every possible way boy…he’s unlike any other boy I’ve ever met. He’s so sweet to me, and he says I’m “the cutest thing he’s ever seen”, which of course makes me feel like I’m having a parade with unicorns on top of a rainbow while eating cotton candy (very good feeling). And he’s really cute, too, in both looks and personality, which is a total bonus.

And I don’t even freaking know if anybody is reading this! But I don’t care. I need some ventage right here. I just have to talk and talk and talk and talk about how abso-friggin-lutely amazing this guy is. And how I wonder if I even stand an effing chance.

I’m fourteen. He’s sixteen. He’s dated before. I haven’t. He can drive. I can’t. So sometimes I feel like he deserves someone on his own…”level”, for lack of a better word. But then when he talks to me all sweet and such, well…I can’t help myself. I just like him a lot a lot a lot a LOT. He came over to my house this one time and we baked a cake and played guitar, and it was the best. He quoted Shakespeare for me, which pretty much made me want to marry the guy, and called my mom "ma'am" and helped her carry in her groceries. So that was completely adorable and amazing and gaaahhhh I’m sorry but he is just too wonderful.

He had a girlfriend a few weeks back, which I was less than happy about. I was pretty upset about it, but then they broke up and after a little bit he started being all flirty, so it makes me think that maybe…maybe…there’s a chance that he and I will be together.

But is there? I mean really, think about it. Is this whole thing going to work out? I just don’t know. But I do know that I like him. A lot. And that I really really really ohmygosh really want things to work out between me and him! So bad. So so bad.

Plus, my parents like him, which is worth ten bazillion bonus points since my dad is all “grr I hate boys!” sometimes…but that doesn’t matter to me, hehe.

AND we already are planning to go to lunch AND to the movies, so that is definitely two dates…ish. But he did call the lunch plans a “mini date” (so friggin cute), so that definitely counts for something!

Anyways. Wow this is really long. But dude I don’t give a ham! Haha see what I did there? Anywhoo, it’s a venting sesh, what do you expect?

So, here’s where you come in. I’d really love it if you gave me some advice on this whole situation, maybe a few suggestions? Past experiences that relate to this? What to do, what to do, what to do? Or maybe just a few little words that mean “Hey, you’re a crazy ginger kid who really likes the cutest sixteen-year-old on the planet. Kudos to you for keeping your sanity.”

…Wait, what sanity, exactly…?
May 31st, 2011 at 02:49am