Summer Time!

I've been out of class for nearly a month now, and I still feel weird not doing anything before work. I have day shifts all this week and it's throwing me off big time. I'm not used to getting off and still having time to do shit after. So for now I've been at my boyfriend's house, watching Dexter.

I'm sorry I haven't updated in like a billion years, I just haven't felt like writing. I know where I want the story to be, I just don't feel like getting it there.Got my apartment, I move out of this house in a month. I can't wait. I also got Netflix, yeah I'm a little late to the game but I know how awesome it is. They have every episode of Lost and BSG on there! Plus season 1&2 of Dexter. I'm a little obsessed with him at the moment. That man is one fine ass ginger.

I want to go to the lake, but My boyfriend hates swimming, and I haven't spoken to my best friend in like three weeks. I just haven't had time to hang out. It makes me sad that we never see each other anymore, we used to spend every day together in high school and then the six months after that I'd stay at her house every other night and we'd always go out to eat and get into all kinds of trouble at walmart.

So yeah, just wanted to say that, I know no one cares but whatever.
May 31st, 2011 at 10:51am