Born this way - strait crush - no one like me

Going to say a few things in this post;
1) Born this way;
As some of you may know, Lady GaGa's new album has been released, at first I didn't really like many of the songs. Like bloody Mary, it made me feel sick, I don't know how. But It did.
Anyway. It's grown on me A LOT the whole album has, I love it so much.
Almost all the songs are favorites x) haha in no particular order;
Edge of glory
Marry the night
Born this way
Government hooker
YoĆ¼ and I
Highway unicorn
Bloody Mary

:P haha I live them all so much! Exept heavy metal lover.. That songs strange. I don't like it very much.

2) strait crushes;
These bitches, they hurt. I currently have one. And it suckkkks. He sits next to me almost everyday at lunch now. And I go all red whenever he comes and sits down. I really like him.
I've always had a thing for him. But I just tried to ignore it.
Most of my friends think he's gay anyway. I do too. I hope he is. That probably sounds a bit sad.
But he gives so Many signals! It's like. Idk if he just like that or he's hinting or If he's trying to make me insane, if he is, it's working. I have all these things that I think about. It's the list on him. The list of things that make him seem gay;
He's asked me if I masturbate.
He's never had a girlfriend.
He jokes about giving his friends blow jobs.
I had more, but I forgot :/
the other day we were talking in class. Idk how we got on to the subject of this but it went like;
him: I love these jocks theyre so comfy, you know that feeling where everythings free?
Me: yeaaah
Him: *lifts up shirt* I like them the bands cool.
Me: haha me too.
Him: hehe.. I have an outy.
me: Haha x) *trying not to stare at his abs*
Him; what do you have?
Me: innie
Him: hahaha.

Does that sound gay to you all? Idk but another morning he was all like 'my and hurt, I did so many sit ups last night' and I'm all like *PUT YOUR PENIS IN MY MOUTH*
sowaaah. Leave a comment on that ? :) pleaseee <3

And lastly, I still have no gay or bi friends. I still feel alone.
No one gets me. It first matter what they say. They're always there for me. But they dot know what it's like to wake up every morning and know that your the only person like you in your whole year. I'll be truthful. It's scary. It's like your on the edge of a cliff in pith black. I can't tell if people like me. Or they talk about me behind my back. Because everyones nice to me. I think they all about me when I'm Not listening.
I get really upset over this still. I feel alone. And there's no one who understands me.

Anyways. bye-bye for now.

("")PawsUp("") Born This Way Baby <3
May 31st, 2011 at 01:53pm