This weekend(:

Let's start off with Fridaay;
It was totally one of the best days I've ever school...
Except for what happened with me and Cherokee.
I was talking to Destiny about her in third period, telling her everything.
I talked low, so Cherry couldn't hear me, seeing as she was sitting behind me.

I wrote a note and showed it to Des, asking her if I should give it to Cherry.
I would write what it said on here, but I can't remember... And Cherokee kept the note.
I think it went something like this,

"Okay, Cherokee, look. I need to get this out. I don't want to be a bad friend and not tell you the truth. So I'm going to tell you what I see, what I think and how I feel. And if you get mad over it, whatever. You'll get over it.
Ever since you broke up with Chris, you've became mean... And it hurts me. 'Cause you are mean to me too. I tell you all the guys I like, and then you go and start liking them too. And that hurts, big time. Because then they like you. Not me.
And you've been giving off the vibe of being a whore. I'm not saying you are. But other people are. You hang all over guys, especially the ones I like.
So... It hurts me to say this, but I have to. I don't think we should be friends anymore. For now. Maybe we can when we both get our shit together... I'm sorry..."

I think that's what it said.
I can't remember.

Other than that, Friday went pretty good.
Hannah and I started thinking about our band and stuff.
Destiny went home with me.
We went to the malll, etc.

My brother came home! :D
But he brought his friend Joe.
It's cool though, 'cause Joe's cool.
We went to this hillybilly thing, Destiny, my brother, Joe, Tammy, Tammy's daughter, Lauren, Tammy's mom, and I.
They played okay music, but then they played country music. Bleh!
There were a bunch of guys playing football, and some of them were really cute.
Destiny was crushing on this guy, Austin, so Lauren went up to him and said, "The girl in the white hat wants to say hi." xD She's so cute!
So Austin told Lauren, "Why doesn't she bring her cute self over here, instead of her little sister?"
So Lauren came and got Des.

And then I was all lonely.
Des came back and then Austin came over.
He kept on looking at me... >.<
Like... /looking/.
But I didn't want to say anything to Des, 'cause it woulda hurt her feelings.
So we got Austin's friend's CJ's number, 'cause Austin would be with him.
So they got my number, and we also got Austin's brother's number.

Now CJ texts me, even though Des isn't with me, or Austin isn't with him... >.<

Me and Destiny went out to the pool.
We got major sunburn.
Like, mine is so bad, I can't put a shirt on.
So I'm wearing a tank top without the straps on. Hahaa.

School was out, and me and Des were suffering all daaaaaay!

I stayed home from school, due to severe sunburn. :p
I'm watching Ed, Edd, And Eddy, which I haven't seen since I was little.
May 31st, 2011 at 08:48pm