Revamping never felt so good, Mibba (vertual cookie if you read it)|stpes to revamping|questions

How have you been, darling mibba? i've missed you so. <3 I guess I just sort of went into one of those my-writing-sucks fazes and sort of abandoned this place because of it.. I never thought I could be so weak.
I'm starting all over though, mibba. All over.
Starting with a brand-spanking-new username..
What do you think of it? :)

I've got a new story idea, but I'm not posting it until I come up with a layout, banner, and get a permanent betta (you don't happen to have any of those for me, do you mibba?)
basically it's a lot like John Tucker Must Die, if anyone has seen that.
title: Letters of My Life
-you guessed it (or maybe you didn't); it's in diary format. So far, it's been a lot of fun writing.

Meh, I've got to cut down on my profile, too. It's ridiculusly - and sometimes hilariously - long. But we'll find a way around that, mibba. Oh and need a new layout too...

As for my other stories, there just on super-lng, extremely-nonstopping hiatus until I decide otherwise.

Bye Darkly Obsessed (I don't even know how I came up with that username, BTW), hello TinySliceOfHeaven, AKA the new me! <3

Here's your vertual cookie. :)
*vertual cooky*

1. dolphins or sharks
dolphins, obviously
2. how was your day?
Meh, mine's been decent so far. I woke up at 11:30 (good timing for me, honestly!) and ate a slice of carrot cake. Yum. Been here ever sense.
3. best friend on here?
Cookie <3
4. wh*re for me?
5. favorite animal ever?
..cheetah or dolphin, can't decide.

<3 my fellow mibbians,
June 1st, 2011 at 07:44pm