Not again. I don't think I can go through it again...

Today I just found out my uncle is missing. My grandparents pretended that nothing was wrong for three weeks. Three weeks! My uncle has been missing for that long and they didn't even tell us till now. No one is looking for him. Everyone has given up, but not me. :(

My uncle has been hooked on drugs since he was 14. He is 27 now and I know...he is a grown man.. but I miss him :(. He has gotten into some terrible sh*t. Heroine for instance and he was "clean" for over a year. Now I am not so sure...... My grandparents were letting him live with them till he became stable and he just told them that he didn't want to live in their prison any longer. He apparently ran off with one of his old "buddies" and they used to do heroine, crack, and other stuff together. I don't know if i should hate my uncle or not. i love him but I hate what he has done.No one can get a hold of him. It's like he vanished into thin air. And no one cares except for me.

I remember when I was little and he was like my big brother. He is only about a decade older than me so it felt that way. I remember calling him when I had a problem. He always made it better. Even if he lived so far away, he was always there. I was the one who caught him with drugs... I remember that distinctly. Now everyone else has given up andIi still want him home.
I just want him back....

Have any of you had to deal with this? What did you do if so? I'm so torn on what to do.....
June 1st, 2011 at 10:27pm