This guy... And these problems....

Kayso... There's this guy.
Well, maybe I should clarify this guy's name.
Amazing, right? :p

Well, an amazing name for an amazing guy(:
I really really like him.
He's cute, funny, really smart.
I don't think he really likes me as much as I like him, though.

But, if he did, which I doubt it, there'd be some problems....

I also like two other people. Matt, and Heather.
Matt is... whooaaa. Just, wow.
Funny, athletic, scene-ish, smart.
He's like, super hot too. ^.^

Heather is my ex. She still loves me.
And I still love her, but I just don't like her as much.
She still wants to date me.
I don't want to say no, 'cause it'd hurt her feelings.
And she has major depression....

If he didn't like me, everything would be fine.
But I still hope he does...

In other news, I skipped fifth period today.
Well, I was talking to my counseler, and he let me stay in is room.
My history teacher, well... he's a dick, excuse my french.

Everyone told me he was saying stuff about me.
"She's a truence."
"She has skipped my class period many times this year when she's still in the building."
"She's skipped and went to hang at Scroggins office."

For one, I have NEVER, even ONCE missed his class other than my being sick or therapy appointments.
I have not once, skipped anyone's class!
I really wanted to go off on him afterschool, but I might've missed my bus.

Why do my tater tots taste like onions? >.<
June 2nd, 2011 at 12:20am