I wouldn't be asking your advice if I didn't need it Mibba, I might be losing a friend, over a boy..

I cannot believe the situation has come to this, it's quite overwhelming.

So I've been talking to my friend's ex-boyfriend for a while now, we've hung out once, and a second time with my friend (whom he knows) along with us. I've admitted to this site that i may or may not like this guy, but at this point my mind is set on me not liking him. At least I don't think I do.

Now my friend (who's ex I hung out with) was okay with my hanging out with this guy, I assured her nothing would come between us for the simple reason that he and I were simply hanging out on friendly terms.

Now things were all nifty until today. I'm sick, didn't go to school. That guy wanted to come by but I told him not to because I don't feel so good, he said "Only for a while" but I told him I'd hang out with him tomorrow or something. . . and then my "best friend" (this is in parentheses because we joke about being best friends, and I could say we are but we don't label ourselves as that) textes me saying:

- "So yesterday you never told me, what's new with you?"

I replied: - Nothing really, work, coop, and I have to go for M1's next week"

- "Where are you gonna drive that scooter? To [insert guy's hometown here] perhaps"

Now at this point I knew what she meant, but I decided to play dumb... sh*t

- "You're implying something, it feels that way at least"

- "Sketch"
- "Of course I am"

- "Okay can you just say what you want to say, I have no clue what you're trying to make me say but its aggravating me"

- "No you're aggravating me with that whole 'ah don't text me nor call me nor chill with me...' and blaming that on me while you, my supposedly best friend can't tell me shit..."

After this, I knew things wouldn't go down very well...

- "Okay I get it now, you're talking about [insert guy's name here] aren't you?"

- "So there is something. Thanks I'm flattered to be the first to know. Oh and my trust level is low... Thanks bff!"

- "I've told [insert the guy I'm hanging with's ex who is also my friend name here] because I didn't want her to think there was something going on between the two of us, I supposed she was going to tell you, and you know I was quite afraid to tell you to be quite honest, afraid there would be a misunderstanding, but I see we're currently having one soo"

Then she called me, she was at a friend's house so everyone witnessed it / and knows about the situation now because you could tell she was mad and speaking rather loudly. No one was talking in the background. I feel like an idiot. She told me that if I can't trust her or tell her things, then why should we be friends.

I'm sorry but some things I'm afraid to tell her because she has rather horrendous reactions. I told her about why I didn't tell her and she got mad saying she tells me everything, and that I always laugh in her face when she tells me stuff. I don't do that, we have a relationship where we always playfully make fun of eachother, yet she claims I always take a situation and turn it into some kind of joke. I was offended by this, considering when she needed me the most I was there to comfort her.

She also said she thinks he's only hanging with me to use me, because he asked me to go to a concert with him after my she, my "best friend", said no, and she thinks he's only talking to me so I reconsider and go along with him, because his uncle's girlfriend would need another girl to be with. But I told her that it wasn't the case considering he's already found someone else to go. Now I don't know where the hell this situation is going. I messed sh*t up big time and I'm afraid I'll lose many friends in the process.

Now he's texting me, how he's bored with the people he's with, saying how the guys are texting their girlfriends. He's most likely talked about his friends about me, he even came by to see me one say and his friend was tagging along. I have a good idea who told my "best friend" about him and I hanging out, now I'm just confused and angry with myself...

What to do Mibba, what to do?
June 2nd, 2011 at 02:32am