Ok so I dont know if you guys know about these people, but Hollywood Waste and Vampires Everywhere are just ahmazing.
Now, Hollywood Waste is a brand new entertainment project including a new theatrical rock record label, club events, and tons more to be announced in 2011... (I totally did not steal that description from their twitter)You should check them out fer sure.
Vampires Everywhere! is a really cool band. I am not even kidding. They are freaking awesome. Defiantly my all time favorite band.
Finally after all of that ^^ boring talking I can go about my story. A couple of days ago I was just randomly wondering around facebook and saw that Vampires Everywhere posted a new status thingy. In this status they said that Hollywood waste was sending "you" to the vans warped tour... so i was all like HOLY LEOPARD PRINT SPACE PANTS .. WHAT THE HECK!!! So i decided to check the shiz out. haha.... I filled out an application and they sent me an email back this morning.
-The happy part is totally not coming next-
THEY ACCEPTED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This little Tennessean girl gets to go to phoenix arizona to RePrEsEnT the amazing Vampires Everywhere and Hollywood waste ^____^
I am eternally happy [= haha
June 2nd, 2011 at 02:50am