Oh Good Golly Miss Dolly.

So I was just listening to the Best Love song. And let me tell you It was the Best Love song she ( as in me) ever heard. Trulyamazing, now I am listening to Next 2 you by Justin Bieber and Chris Brown. Honestly I like the song. I won’t lie song it pretty fucking cute like a new born puppy on Christmas morning…Okay maybe not that cute but it was cute enough for me to blog about it. right? Maybe I should write a novel about how boring my Fridaynight is going to be. Or just write a story in general. I don’t know what it would be about but hopefully I find some inspiration somewhere or from someone. I find Regular pretty entertaining. My all time favorite show besides Adventure time. You know while I am typing this I just realized how much my love life sucks. Well it doesn’t suck but I’m in a pickle because I like my best-friend. Cliche right? In a way I saw it coming but he gets me. The downside of me liking him is that he likes some other girl that he talks about all the time and i have no idea what to do. its really confusing because he tells me how much he loves me and he talks about us getting married. I mean we’re a little young but he’s talking about later on in life when we accomplish our hopes and dreams and all that other good stuff. Right now I guess its whatever and I’ll just go with the wind. Oh any suggestions on what to read on here cause i’m pretty bored. alright so this is me leaving cause your probably pretty bored from reading this non-sense.

Love and rockets,

Tati (;
June 4th, 2011 at 01:13am