Lookin out for number one.

Ever tried being someone else?

I have. Many times. It's not worth it. Trying to be a million different people is tiring. I wish other people could have gained the knowledge and experience that I have with this. I have this friend, Kourtney. She's a year older then me. She struggles with being herself. She's naturally beautful, very petite, yet she's obsessed with being someone else. She wants to be the hottest and best thing that anyone's ever seen. Which is fine, you only live once, so why not be the best you that you can be right? It would be all good, had she not become as fake as plastic. Well, her looks anyway. She spends countless amounts of money on new clothes and new products to make her hair longer, or grow faster or look thicker. She tans regularily, and not in the sun - in a tanning bed, which in turn, looks orange and fake. She wears tons and tons of makeup to make herself appear more attractive. She's all about the gel or acrylic nails because she feels hers are too ugly or they don't grow as nicely. She dyes her hair from blonde to brown to blonde to brown, when her natural hair color is a pretty dirty blonde. The saddest part in all of this? Kourtney's idea of beauty is something you'd find in a magazine.

I guess everyone's idea of beauty differs. So it wouldn't be practical to say her idea of beauty is wrong. But what I find sad about her idea of beauty is that she doesn't realize that what she was given at birth isn't considered beautiful. Beauty is confidence in yourself. Make up is used to enhance features and heighten natural beauty, not create features.

It's easier to be yourself, the best of yourself, then to be someone else.

If you can't love yourself, how can anyone else?

Keep it going,
June 4th, 2011 at 02:54am