His voice is like... melted chocolate. Yeah, it sounds corny. >.<

James is just... amazing.
Every time I talk to him, my heart beats faster, my stomach has butterflies.
I don't know why I feel this way. I just do.
He's talented, funny, /very/ funny, smart, athletic. And has the prettiest eyes, smile and hair. xD
He's outgoing and shy at the same time.
He's speaks his mind but keeps it controlled around certain people.
He's one of the most... amazing people I've ever met.

I sound like some kind of hopeless romantic.
Ugh. I hate this feeling.
And I love it at the same time.
Just thinking about him gives me butterflies.
And the funny thing is, I'm listening to Butterflies by Alana Lee. xDD

I had a busy day today, filled with lots of James. haha.
We went on our drama field trip (I had lots of fun).
He started talking to me and stuff.
And he would come up and hug me randomly.
But then, he came up and whispered to me, "You know what I just noticed?"
So many things he could say raced through my mind.
"You're pretty."
"I think I like you." etc.
But instead, he was all, "Kaitlyn is pretty."
And that hurt. Bad.

I know I'm young and shouldn't be worrying about this stuff, but look.
This might be the guy I could have years of friendship or a relationship with.
Might, is the key word. :(

It hurt really bad.
I was sad.
I want him to think I'm pretty, to like me.
But whatever.

And so every time I looked for him, he was with her, or Sammy. :/

But other than that, I had fun.
We performed for K-4th graders.
Along with the choir people.
It was fun.

After that, we went to Pizza Hut.
I sat with Hannah, Kaylee, and Sidney.
don't think you've heard much about Kaylee or Sidney.
Kaylee, or Nelson, as I call her, used to be my best friend. /Best/ friend.
We spend every second together. I don't know what happened.
Now she acts mean towards me.
And Sidney...
She's... Sidney. (:
Hilarious Sidney.

Afterschool, I went to Magic Springs, the place us 'kids' spend all our time, with Kallin.
She's so stupid. In that good way. Hilarious, 'oh-my-god' way.

So altogether, I had a pretty good day.
June 4th, 2011 at 04:22am