The Sims || Cheating girlfriends || Co-writing || Swap

This journal is probably going to be a little caty-wompus, so bear with me while I address the above topics not in the order I wrote them (which was merely to get your attention...most of those topics won't be the bulk of this journal, so that just proves that I'm a mastermind at deciet.)

Just kidding.


For those who were awake at 3 or 4 a.m. last night, you might remember me posting a journal about my girlfriend effing some other guy and all. I'm still very depressed about it, but I thought, what better way to get over lying skanks than play violent video games?

So I bought Medal of Honor. It actually isn't that bad. It's making me angry, not sad and angry at the same time. That's one step toward actually happiness at this point. It's progress. It's gonna hurt less and less every day.

Pray for me.


Speaking of channeling my emotions into something non-hurtful, would anyone like to co-write with me? I'm planning a horror story with Ava Marie, so that should be fun. If anyone else, though, wants to co-write with me, just PM me.

I'll read something of yours, and you can read something of mine. If our styles mesh nicely, and if you've had some experience co-writing, definitely hit me up.


I'm thinking of re-installed The Sims 3 and all its expansion packs. I got bored of it.

Does anyone have any suggestions on keeping the motivation going, as far as playing that game goes...? I mean, what do you do when you play? Build legacies? Build houses? Max skills? There's only so much you can do before you say, "I've done everything I can think of, screw this, I want more disk space."

So, yeah, help on that, please?



I'll do a comment swap. No fanfic. No slash. Nothing that sucks so bad I can't even read it. You comment first. What you give is what you get. If you don't comment, I will hunt you down until you do. And, last but not least, nothing over five (5) chapters.


Some nice music for tonight:


Much love,

June 4th, 2011 at 11:09am