
The ones you love the most cause you the most pain..... REAL

I dont know exactly what im feeling but its not normal
I feel psyco
I want to break people and smile

The one i want doesnt want me; He has a girlfriend
Thats lethal.. Im counting the days, weeks, months They split
But will I be happy

If i get him... If he becomes mine........... WILL I BE HAPPY???
I dont want to risk it
I want to let go fast
My head and my heart keep fighting but for what?

I dont know what my head wants.......... I dont know what my heart wants

I must want to be happy...... but im selfish
I need to think of others

Let him be happy........... Stop being bitter........Move on
3 steps that i want to take action

I HATE HIM.................... I LOVE HIM.................. I NEED HIM................. I WANT HIM...... LET GO!!!!
June 4th, 2011 at 08:15pm