Stuff I Wanna Talk About

Hiccups are annoying. Mine sound like a frog. If you could have a zombie pet would would it be? Mine would be a blue cat with pulperie in its empty flesh spots and a car air freshener around its neck. I have no idea how to spell pulperie..... In my other journal entree I talked about how I like Romeo. People, I will NEVER ask a guy if he likes me. Call me old fashioned, but I believe that guys should:
1. ALWAYS make the first move
2. ALWAYS pay on the first date
and other things that I don't feel like typing and cant think of off the top of my head.
That's just how I was raised, and I know most guys aren't like this anymore but me and my older brother where raised this way. Why is chivalry dead? Why don't guys hold doors, open the car door, pull out the chair, and all that anymore? Stupid guys.
June 5th, 2011 at 05:19am