Parties Parties Everywhere and Not a Drop of Sense to Spare

I went to a party last night, it was fun with good music, great friends and all that jazz.

Now something you must understand, I don’t really like drinking. I will drink socially but I don’t like getting drunk. So naturally towards the end of the party most of my friends had drunk to such an excess that they we professing their love to inanimate objects, falling over and hurting themselves and making out in bushes with people who they wouldn’t remember in the morning. Amongst all this I, and a few others, were looking after everyone.

My ex decided it was a good idea to roll down the hill in front of the barn and subsequently quite badly cut his hand. I only noticed this when he came over and sat next to me and put his hand on my leg (which I pushed off) leaving a large bloodstain on my thigh high socks. I cleaned his hand out because it was full of mud and he said thanks and then wondered off to do God knows what.

One of my best friends properly made out with a guy then left him for another about twenty minutes later to do the same thing. After coming back from this she could be heard discussing loudly which one she preferred as one was a better kisser but the other was more fun. She then walked up to me a told me “You’re Brother is an arsehole. He is such an arrogant dick and he thinks he is so cool” (bear in mind that my brother is 21 and so was not at the party and had not met this friend for months).

By the time I left the party out of the forty people who were there two were being sick, two had cut themselves falling over and I’d hazard a guess that three girls lost it that night.

I am regarded as a bit boring because I don’t drink myself silly. I don’t want to end up like them, being sick everywhere but I also want to have fun at parties and not get stuck looking after everyone… It’s a hard dilemma that I don’t know the answer to.
June 5th, 2011 at 04:23pm