Stress Relief

So, because i dont much care about this being considered spam, here you go. You get to see whats on my mind.

Subject one:
Dealing with people and their idiocy. WHAT.... THE.... FUCK..... Fucking christ... People annoy the living shit outta me more often then not. How can you fucking assume something about someone when you have no inkling of who they are!? It honestly pisses me off when someone fucking assumes im gonna hurt their sister or brother JUST because they dont know me! And then when i offer them information that IS LEGITIMATE, they brush it off, saying its fake. WTF!!!! You didnt even attempt to call or verify the information!

In my respects to that, anyone who doesnt bother to even try to understand someone can bite my ass and die. I dont give two shits if you "THINK" you know me or society, but when you judge me before you even know who i am, your no better then any ignorant fuck on the streets. On a similar note. I hate fucking closed minded arogent assholes who think if your not a certain way, your not worth their time. I mean, come the fuck on. No one is going to be EXACTLY like you want. Ever. Sorry to bust your little bubble there, society, your dream mate is NON EXCISTANT. Period. End of story. Abuh Bye.

Subject two:
Games and their idiocy. Now this one, whooooooooooooo. Fucking people on games. You got several kinds, but today, i address the cheaters and ignorant folk. Cheaters. Really? You need to hack the system and use aimbots, shield hacks, and ammo hacks JUST to win? I mean... You dont have any skill to aim down the damn gun and shoot? You have to run around with a big ass lmg and spray and pray just to hit something? Come on guys. It doesnt take a whole lot to fucking learn how to play the game and do good at it.

And onto the game cheaters. The guys who exploit the games STUPIDEST FUCKING FEATURES. Point and example. Battlefield Bad Company 2. In this game, you have a special perk called "Body Armor" which decreases bullet damage by half. BIGGEST LOAD OF SHIT PERK EVER! Im fucking playing hardcore to get AWAY from health and body perks so that it actually takes SKILL to fucking make sure you dont die right away. And yuou have these little fucking cheap ass kids using the damn thing with an lmg in the map. Fucking tard shit, learn the play good or go sell the god damn game.

Another point and example. Call of Duty Black Ops. In this game there is a special item known as a Claymore. For those of you who dont know this game, This is a rectangular box that has a motion senser line in front of it. When triggered it blows up immediately. BIGGEST EXPLOIT IN THE GAME!!! You fucking little tweazer bitches who fucking leave these god damn things in the most random fucking spot and get a kill from it should fucking choke on your controller!!! It doesnt take any fucking skills to use this god damn thing and it should be removed from the game.

Now onto the ignorant fucks. So im good at the fucking game, whopptie fucking doo. Look at how much time ive put into it. Dur durdur!! Im going to be good at a game if i put effort and time into it! So dont fucking bitch and whine about how im cheating or how im bashing your shit into the ground because your ass doesnt know how to move your god damn character one way or another! Get off that damn stick in your ass and learn to play the game, or shut the fuck up, sell your fucking game, and be done with it.

So. i know i contradict myself, and i know i say "fuck" alot in my journal. But here is some nice words.


Have fun reading my rather voistrous journal.
June 5th, 2011 at 08:43pm