Weheartit.com: Where are all these beautiful people? || Comment Swap

So I was cruising around on weheartit.com, and I found some pictures of some very attractive people. I'll share in some a bit, but what I want to know is:

Where in the hell are all these very attractive young women? There are absolutely no pretty girls at my school, save for one or two that are completely untouchable. It sucks! I don't go to a big school, so I guess that's my problem.

I live in Oregon.

How many extremely beautiful girls live in Oregon? I need to move to Michigan or something. Somewhere where something's happening.

Okay, maybe not Michigan.

Beautiful people:


EDIT:If that's like, borderline-porn, just let me know and I'll take 'em down. :) Yeah, I decided they were sort of inappropriate. Sorry guys.


Comment swap time! No fanfic. You comment first...no slash, either. Nothing I have to spend 34 hours reading just to comment. Thanks.


Much love,

June 5th, 2011 at 09:16pm