love being a badass/karl pilkington is a god and I'm in love with Sinatra/not in a nazi way.

I haven't been on here for so long.

I miss the journals but I have a real journal now, I mean a book with a pen and everything (no plug necessary). I went to a really cool literary festival last weekend, unfortunately I had tonsillitis but I'm something of a hardass so I didn't let it ruin anything (even when my tonsils literally looked like testicles - fucking gross). I bought two books; one called Boxer Beetle was amaze - it was set in 1930s germany and also modern day. I LOVE 1930s germany btw. I love the 1930s. (not in a nazi way though, just the history is fascinating). The 2nd was a book with two little novellas in by a Spanish author called Javier Cercas which I have nearly finished, the 1st novella called The Tennant was also so so good. REAL SINISTER LIKE. almost fight club/palahniuk esque.

It was so funny reading my old journals - the most recent one before this from 2010 I think is hilarious in a bitter kind of way. In in I'm talking about a "boy I like". What a joke. This boy... well he ended up being just awful, awful. Ha.

Been listening to Frank Sinatra and Fred Astaire all day (:
Go listen to this:
it's gorgeous. I want a man to dance with me to this (one has actually, it was lovely). BUT I WANT ANOTHER.

Also, check out Karl Pilkington if you don't know anything about him.

I really shouldn't be on here, I have a physics as level exam tomorrow. MY LAST EXAM THOUGH.

I missed mibba.
June 6th, 2011 at 01:06am