Yes. Women have rights. Holy crap.

Listen, I'm not going to try to fool anyone here, and I'll probably get a lot of nasty comments about this, but please, please, dear females, stop acting like you're being opressed by the male sex.

Males like breasts. Males like butts.

Guess what?

Females like butts. Females like penis.

So would you please, please stop acting like you rule the effing world because you're a female and you feel like if men don't let you rule the world (as if they're stopping you) then they're all arrogent a-holes.

Call me one, I don't really care. I'm just getting sick and tired of this feminist bullcrap going on around this site lately. And no, Dujo is not going to ban me for stating my opinion.



By the way, if anyone thinks I'm bashing them or directing this journal at them, think again. Crap. When I say "you" I don't literally mean you, the person reading this. Chill out.


I'll do a comment swap if you want. No fanfic, slash, or anything over four chapters. You comment first. Swap for Megalomaniac.


From Lizzie Borden.: Females like butts. Females like penis.

I really, really disagree.

See, the thing about it all is that as a natural teaching in society, women are seen to be weaker and more fragile than men, and depending on where are, women aren't supposed to work, we're not supposed to actually try and do things for ourselves, and we're just supposed to sit at home and be all domestic.

I don't think it's so much of an "I'm better than you" argument as much as it is "I'm just as good and just as capable as you are".


Much love,

June 6th, 2011 at 02:00am